System DB Schema

task table

Column Type Description Example value
task_id INT Primary key of the task. Auto-increment. It is also used as the sequence in which tasks should be executed 1
task_function_name TEXT The name of the function to be executed. joinMultipartFiles
task_headline TEXT A ‘headline’ that can be used in an Admin screen to see a description of what the task is, without needing to examine the parameters. Rotate file xxyy123
time_added DATETIME The date and time that this task was added to the queue. 2024-08-31 20:28:06
shared_resource TEXT A value used to prevent contention when concurrently processing tasks from the queue. Tasks with the same shared_resource value will be processed in sequence and not at the same time as other tasks with the same shared_resource value. If this value is set to ‘EXCLUSIVE’, the task will not be processed concurrently with any other task. xxyy213.jpg or EXCLUSIVE
status TEXT The run status of this task. One of PENDING, RUNNING, DONE, FAILED. PENDING

task_param table

Column Type Description Example value
task_param_id INT Primary key. 1
key TEXT The key or name of the parameter rotate_angle
val TEXT The value of the parameter 90
task_id INT A foreign key referencing the task to which this parameter relates. 3

task_log table

Column Type Description Example value
task_log_id INTEGER Auto-increment primary key 1
task_id INT Foreign key to the task to which this log entry relates 2
log_time DATETIME Time that this log entry was created 2024-08-31 20:28:06
log_status TEXT The target log status related to the log entry. FAILED
message TEXT A description of what happened Failed to create thumbnail for file 123feg